
Education – Provides learning opportunities for all age levels, embracing Christian Knowledge, Christian Attitudes, Prayer, Bible use and other appropriate materials.

Fellowship – Foster and strengthen relationships through congregational activities and events

Finance – Monitor a year-round program of Christian principal of financial giving and advocate congregational support for general fund activities, capital ventures and special ministries approved by E.L.C.A. and committees of St Paul’s.

Fundraising – To raise funds that will be distributed to causes determined by the Church Council. Annual Fundraising events include: Memorial Weekend Bake Sale, Country Fair 3rd Wednesday in July, Lefse Sales October and November, Frozen Butter Braids and Caramel Rolls ongoing

Property – Arrange for the proper maintenance and protection of all of St. Paul’s properties. Coordinate with the Finance Committee and Council on all projects affecting St. Paul’s

Social Ministry/Outreach – Christian outreach to the community through involvement with Children’s fishing contest, Sweetheart parade, and other community activities.

Stewardship – Supporting the congregation in using their time and talents to further our ministry.

Trust Fund – A separate not-for-profit outreach serving as a means of gifting to the congregation and the community for special purposes.